I bought last year's Christmas cards from UNICEF -- a worthy charity gets some cash; my friends and family get some attractive artwork and cozy holiday wishes to decorate their mantelpiece/refrigerator/trash can; everybody wins. I probably won't be sending cards this Christmas (maybe we should add "P.S. Happy Holidays!" to our wedding invitations?), but when the UNICEF Cards & Gifts catalog arrived this week, I flipped through it anyway. My favorite Xmas card design was "
City of Bethlehem" -- until I read the description more carefully. What's wrong with this picture? "Embossed with bronze accents, the City of Bethlehem glows in the evening sun, while a shimmering star guides Joseph and Mary." That star is pretty and all, but I'm pretty sure that's not how the story goes.
Seriously though: UNICEF does good work; their Christmas cards are nice; you should consider
buying some... but if you go the religious route, maybe look for a design with a slightly better grasp on the nativity story details.
What global not-for-profit will I find petty fault with tomorrow? Come back and see!
Did they also have cards that depicted the three Wise Men being told that there was no room at the inn?
Ha ha, not that I noticed! But I did have this IM conversation with the fiance yesterday afternoon:
Me: Did you think that Xmas card was as weird as I did?
Him: i always wondered how they found bethlehem
Me: Of course, there's nothing to say that this depicts their arrival/first night in Bethlehem. They could just be out for a stroll, post-birth. Like while they were waiting for the Magi to show up.
Me: Maybe it's a card you're meant to send just after Christmas.
Him: right that's true
Him: if you were mary & joseph, i'd bet you'd want to go see the star everyone's been telling you about
Me: "I'll be damned, there it is! (Well, I won't actually be damned, but you know what I mean.)"
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