Sunday, June 8, 2008

Oh, why doth time so quickly fly?

I am trying to make good on my vow to see as many Tony contenders as I can before the big night, and that's been keeping me so busy I haven't had time to blog about it. I'm hoping to fix that between now and next Sunday. Some other stuff I've been busy with: Work! Same old same old for the moment, but that may change. And jogging! I'm sticking to my brand-new, lightweight exercise "routine" so far. My route is short and my endurance underwhelming, but I'm feeling proud of myself. ("That was quick!" said our doorman, when he saw me return, sweaty and flushed, not very long after I'd passed him on my way out. Good thing I'm not trying to impress him.)

Also, this weekend I went back to campus for my five-year college reunion. The husband and I just took the train in for a day, which was plenty for me. Seeing a lot of familiar faces in a familiar space was certainly fun, but it seemed like something was missing, namely all the other people who were around, and who were my friends, during my time in college -- the people in the three classes before and the three classes after my own. Some of my favorite people from my Yale years were slightly older or younger than I, and were therefore not members of the class of 2003, through no fault of their own. So they weren't in attendance this weekend. There were other people around, of course, from other classes that ended in 3 and 8 -- but since the reunions are spaced in 5-year increments, there's no way you'll run into anyone from another class that overlapped with your own. So they were all strangers (and there's a weird tension between the 10-year and 5-year reunion attendees: you find yourself squinting at the person coming toward you, trying to decide whether you know him, and then you realize he's not from your class and you get scowly because you wasted time and energy on trying to recognize him). However, I am fortunate in that one of my abovementioned favorite people not in my class actually lives in New Haven, so the husband and I skipped the "class dinner" and had dinner with her instead. I guess you could say we beat the system. (I guess you could also say we paid for our dinners twice. But I prefer not to think of it that way.)

And speaking of favorite people, I'd like to thank Stephen for calling my attention to this video, which combines two of my very favorite things: Charlie Bit Me and Jason Robert Brown. Enjoy.


floretbroccoli said...

Who did this brilliant thing?

And I'm still laughing.

Mollie said...

I don't know whether you really wanted an answer, but I feel like I should give credit where credit is due: here's the genius creator's YouTube page.

floretbroccoli said...

Thanks. Nothing else on the page grabbed me as the first one did. Obviously this is related to the fact that I've been listening to The Last Five Years lately.